I was born into a Christian family and was practically raised at the Florence Baptist Temple. At the age of 5, I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. However, it wasn’t until my early 20s that I became discontent with living a mediocre, even worldly Christian life. God used the discontent and conviction over sin to draw me into a closer, daily relationship with him that led me to begin serving in our local church. Through serving, I began to feel the Lord leading me to go to seminary and prepare for some type of full time ministry. However, I still struggled to fully obey the call God had placed on my life. I had earned an MBA and had given the last 12 years of my life to helping build a company. Then, one morning, while reading Romans 12:1-2, the Lord made it abundantly clear that I was to present my whole life to Him as a living sacrifice. He also used these verses to convince me that I could trust Him to be in control of my life. That day, I surrendered to Him everything, including my career, my family, and my future. Since that day, the Lord has proven Himself faithful, merciful and good. Overtime, He clearly showed me He had called me to be a missionary and to serve Him in Hong Kong.


I also was born into a Christian family and was taken to church from an early age. I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at the age of 8 and was baptized shortly thereafter. It wasn’t until my family began attending the Florence Baptist Temple that I remember being taught the importance of spending time in God’s Word daily and cultivating a close walk with Him. My best friend in high school was always intrigued by mission work, and I believe God used her many years ago to peak my interest and give me a desire early on to be ambassador for Christ in a foreign land. It wasn’t until after Grant and I were married and serving in our local church that God confirmed in my heart I didn’t have to be content just reading about missionaries, but God was calling me to be one! After almost two years of serving on the Lord in China, I am even more excited about God’s plan for how he would have the Skelton family serve him throughout Asia.

Our Kids

Harrison (12)

Harrison is currently in 7th grade in a local secondary school. He loves history, science, reading, outdoor adventures, and of course the occasional video game. His favorite foods include beef noodles and shrimp dumplings. He hopes to be a paleontologist when he grows up and would love to work for Answers In Genesis and be the next Buddy Davis.

Suzanne (11)

Suzanne is in the 5th grade at a local primary school. This year, to our surprise, she volunteered to be class monitor, class encourager, school prefect, and librarian assistant. She loves sports, especially dodge ball and skateboarding, and seems to have a real ear for music. She has a special interest in taking apart old electronics and creating new things with cardboard and duct tape. She is not sure what she wants to be when she grows up. ;-) 

Adelle (8)

Adelle is in the 3rd grade at the same primary school. She loves animals of all kinds, especially horses. She recently discovered jumping rope and it has become her new hobby. Otherwise, she loves to draw, play outdoors and swim. As of now, she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.  

"Doing ministry as a family is a huge blessing! We are so glad we get to do 'missions' together. So many of the people we meet and have opportunities to share the gospel with are direct contacts we have made through our kids. They enjoy being a part of our children and youth ministries and are eager to help with the smaller children during Bible studies and fellowships. "